lived-in, laid-back, luxe hair


the girl behind the hair

Hi guys! I’m Madeline Mazzola, and I’m so glad you found your way here! If you asked my friends and family to describe me in a few words, they would probably tell you I’m creative, driven, and caring. I have always been an artist and have always loved connecting with people. After graduating from Ohio State University with a BFA in dance, I moved to New York to be surrounded by art. Little did I know, one hair appointment would put together all the pieces that I was looking for in a career and art form. From there, it all made sense, and my love for hair and connecting with my clients just keeps growing.

I specialize in lived-in color and effortless style. I work with your natural base color to create easy, low maintenance hair. As laid back as the hair appears, don’t worry, I’m a perfectionist through and through when it comes to my art. When you sit in my chair, you can expect to have a laugh or two. You will feel heard and cared for. Finally, you will be able to walk out feeling like the best version of yourself! I can’t wait to get to know you and create some magic together!




multi-dimensional color

Required for new clients or great for existing clients looking to switch up their look. This includes my custom lived-in color technique, root smudge, toner, blowout, + style.



Perfect for the existing client wishing to maintain the color we have previously created together. This includes maintaining my custom lived-in color technique, root smudge, toner, blowout, + style.


color melt

This appointment is for the client looking to reintroduce dimension into their color. Whether you are looking to cover up grays or wanting to add lowlights to your color, this option is for you! This includes either semipermanent or permanent color melting, toner, blowout, + style.



Ideal for the client looking to refresh their tone in between lightening appointments. This includes a toner, blowout, + style.

follow my journey